Intentional About Time

How do you waste the most time every day?

Most of my time on a week day is dedicated to work and my child. As a single mom, I tend not to waste much time. I believe you value your time a little more because you have to go to work, then pick up the little one, feed them, bathe them, play, and eventually get them in bed. By the time you get them in bed, you may have an hour or two to spare on other things like cleaning the house because I don’t like to leave things undone.

Since this is the case for me, I have become very intentional about my time. For instance, it’s past my bedtime now but I wanted to post on the blog tonight.

My day starts around five in the morning and if I stay up late, six. During this time my home is quiet, the little one is sleeping, and there is complete peace. I light some sweet smelling candles, stare at the pink girly decor in my living room, and open my Bible.

I sometimes will drink some homemade tea when I read because it just sets the mood. I spend as much time with my Heavenly Father as I can before my little one gets up. Once I hear the small but heavy footsteps speeding towards the living room, I know it’s time to start our day.

I don’t waste time anymore I have become intentional. I get as much time as I can with my Heavenly Father because that is how I am able to pour into others. I must be poured into everyday through being in His presence and reading His Word.

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