The Importance of Having a Ruth: Lesson from the Bible for Christian Women

Today I came to talk about Ruth. Ruth is a Moabite widow in the Bible who was so loyal to her mother-in-law, that it causes her to be blessed by God.

I want to really break this down because I believe Christian women has held on so tight to finding their Boaz, that they forget the importance of having a Ruth.

In the scripture it talks about how Naomi felt alone after she had loss her husband and two sons.

Then Elimelech died, and Naomi was left with her two sons.The two sons married Moabite women. One married a woman named Orpah, and the other a woman named Ruth. But about ten years later, both Mahlon and Kilion died. This left Naomi alone, without her two sons or her husband. Ruth 1:3-5

The Enemy’s Agenda

When you are going through a crisis, this is where the enemy wants you to be. He wants you to ball up, hide under the covers, and be alone. He wants you to feel like you are the only one going through this. He wants you to push away the people that love you, so he can poison your mind with a dose of negativity.

Sometimes, the enemy has our minds wrapped around what we don’t have so much so, that we don’t even notice the blessings that we are walking in. Ruth was right in front of Naomi.

The blessing was right beside Naomi, but her focus was off. The Bible says to focus on what’s pure, right, lovely, and admirable. I believe God tells us about these things for a reason. Naomi was so focused on loss, that she didn’t notice what she had gained.

Ruth’s Mindset

Ruth had just lost a husband. It doesn’t speak on how Ruth felt, but you can tell her focus was different by her actions. Ruth went out in the field and worked hard all day for scraps. What makes it more admirable, is the fact that she worked hard not for herself but for Naomi. She left everything she knew and chose to be a servant because she had an encounter with God. It doesn’t say it in scripture, but it does say it had been about ten years before Naomi’s sons died. So, Ruth experienced years of living in a home of a Godly family and so being that close to people who loves the Lord, you will have no choice but to experience God’s goodness.

Some may wonder why Orpah didn’t stay because she was there too. In the Bible Jesus tells a parable about a seed falling on different types of soil and he explains how if the seed doesn’t fall on good soil, it will not grow. Ruth was different, she was told three times to go back to her people. But she picked the unselfish route. She put away her desires and needs, in order to serve others.

She worked hard day in day out for her mother-in-law. She did this without any complaints. She went into the field and worked diligently.

Ruth did so much out of love, that she opened Naomi eyes and didn’t realize it. She was just being obedient in her assignment. In her obedience, God worked through Naomi to get Ruth to Boaz.

Obedience Leads to Blessings

Ruth didn’t know she would marry Boaz. She was again being obedient to her mother-in-law and what she told her to do. She told her to get dressed, because even back then, men were attracted to appearance. She gave her specific orders and after, Naomi told Ruth to wait because Boaz would be sure he found her a husband even if it had to be him. And turns out, He was the one. He married Ruth and she went from picking up the scraps in the field to owning the field and giving birth to a son.

Trusting God’s Timing

Ruth was not eager or desperate. I believe that as women sometimes in this society, we grow desperate as we get older. We just need to trust God’s timing. If marriage is something God has for us, He will bring it to us.

I am divorced after a short young marriage. I thought my story was over at first. I believed the lies of the enemy that there is no hope for me. But God came into my life and showed me that I am His child. He showed me that my story is not over, and I am forgiven for not including Him in my last marriage.

I understand now that my beauty is not all I have to offer, with me comes favor. I will continue to seek Christ and the man that I end up marrying will be doing the same thing. Until we meet, I will continue to pray for him and cover him on his journey with Christ. So that when we get together, he and I will be ready. Not only that but prayer is a weapon. I don’t know where he might be in life right now, so I want to help him in the fight while I’m not with him. Yes, it’s that real. Whether we understand it or not, but marriage is not just two people becoming one, but marriage is an assignment.

I’m getting deep into this topic. I will stop here because I have so much more. Let me know what you think in the comments.

What season is God calling you to be patient and obedient in? How have you been getting through it?

Happy Sunday!


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