Tag: bible

  • Overcoming Workplace Frustrations: A Kingdom Lifestyle Journey

    Overcoming Workplace Frustrations: A Kingdom Lifestyle Journey

    Hey friends! Let me tell y’all about the ending of my day. If I’m being honest, I am one of those people who struggles with things being done incorrectly, especially at work. It’s something in me that has to fix it and make sure it’s done right. However, this afternoon I thought my work was…

  • Choosing God: A Testimony of Transformation and Victory

    Choosing God: A Testimony of Transformation and Victory

    Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle? Everyday I spend time with my Heavenly Father. The closer I get to Him, the more He changes my heart. He continues to show me everyday that I can trust Him. He’s teaching me that there is nothing in this world…

  • The Way To Hearts

    What’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten? The most delicious meal that I have eaten recently is this pot roast and rice that I made. Normally, I am not the cooking type. I thought I didn’t enjoy being the kitchen and cooking for hours, but God has a way of changing our hearts on…

  • The Importance Of Having A Relationship With God

    How important is spirituality in your life? In my life, God is first. Being a Christian is not just about going to church on Sundays. I feel that some people got it wrong. The lifestyle of a Christian is not easy in the world that we live in. There are so many distractions. Every way…

  • Self Care is Soul Care

    How do you practice self-care? When you learn to die to self and live for others, you will truly understand soul care. I was put on this earth to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. In learning who He is and how He lived, I learned that it is better to serve others than to…

  • The Importance of Having a Ruth: Lesson from the Bible for Christian Women

    The Importance of Having a Ruth: Lesson from the Bible for Christian Women

    Today I came to talk about Ruth. Ruth is a Moabite widow in the Bible who was so loyal to her mother-in-law, that it causes her to be blessed by God. I want to really break this down because I believe Christian women has held on so tight to finding their Boaz, that they forget…

  • Intentional About Time

    How do you waste the most time every day? Most of my time on a week day is dedicated to work and my child. As a single mom, I tend not to waste much time. I believe you value your time a little more because you have to go to work, then pick up the…

  • A Crush From The Enemy

    Write about your first crush. I can remember my first crush back in elementary school. If I’m being honest I don’t even remember his name or what he looked like, but back then all the girls in my class loved him. We were all a couple grades behind him, so we thought he was everything…

  • To Know Him, Is To Know You

    What’s your favorite thing about yourself? This may seem childish to some who are on the more serious side, but I really enjoy playing and being silly. I believe as we became adults, society has almost beat us into submission of an idea that life is all about meeting goals and deadlines. It seems that…

  • Dear B.R.A.T

    If humans had taglines, what would yours be? Block Reality And Transform This is the vision that God gave me. I hear His voice more clearly when I block out the world and spend time with Him. In this time, He has transformed me into this person that I never could become in my own…

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